
Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Beat the Credit Crunch and be Ready for the Party Season with Plastic

Everyone’s looking for ways to beat the Credit Crunch and cabbies ‘in the know’ are getting a CabCard Chip & PIN terminal, so they can accept credit and debit cards.

This festive season promises to produce more passengers asking to pay by plastic to get home from the office party. In any event, cabbies with the CabCard system pick up more jobs - particularly corporate ones - simply because they can take customers who want to pay using
plastic. And those jobs are more likely to be longer and with higher fares.

One of our cabbies in Liverpool was eighth in line at a rank when he got the fare because his passenger (a drunken Norwegian, who slept all the way!) wanted to pay by card. He received payment before taking him to Heathrow, a fare worth £360 - tasty!

Carry less cash, stay safer
Another big advantage with CabCard is you carry less cash. Cabbies working later into the night are known to be more at risk and the less cash you have in the cab, the safer you’ll be.

Dragon takes a cab!
The economic downturn could even be good news for cabbies if more people follow the lead of entrepreneur Duncan Bannatyne of Dragons' Den fame, who was once a cabbie himself. He’s got rid of his car in London because of rising fuel prices and now takes the tube or taxis instead. Being a canny Scotsman he says that now he's only paying for the journeys he needs.

For further information go to or call us on 0845 491 8410.